Sunday, October 21, 2012

Decision made.

I know I am just adding to the big world of LDS girls who are now changing their lives to go on a mission, but I just wanted to make it official that my papers are DONE, and are just waiting to get sent in until I am able to come back to Utah in a couple of weeks. 

I just want to say that for me, and I'm sure MANY others, this was a huge answer to prayer. I've been wondering what I was supposed to do with the next couple years of my life. 
Nursing school, 
Disney auditions, 
BYU Idaho, 
Weber State... 
they were all being tossed around, but now I am sure of what I am supposed to do. 

There has been a lot of derogatory conversation about girls leaving for the wrong reasons, or leaving simply because it's the "thing", or that they may have not been planning on going in the first place and now they are planning on going so that's bad...?


Forever, since girls have been able to go on missions, it's been a serious debatable issue in our minds. We've been taught that if we don't get married, we should serve a mission. 
So, we might have been planning to not plan
But now that the age has been lowered, and most of us are not getting married at 19, it just means that we can get the best of both worlds. 
So for those of you also preparing to go,
I am so excited for US, and all of those lucky people who are going to be taught the gospel because of the willingness of so many young women to serve. 
And young men, of course :) 

Basically, it just comes down to this.
When the Prophet asks, we respond. That's just what our church believes, and I think it's absolutely wonderful that so many of us are responding so quickly. It shows so much unity among the youth of the church.

If you didn't hear the announcement, you can watch it here:

And for those of you who may not be familiar with my religion or missionary work, you can learn more here:

The church is true!

If you want to be happy, be.
-May May 


  1. I love this Mare. :) Even though I'm already set on going, this post is super inspiring to me. So good job. :)

  2. Love it! I think I would have gone at 19 if I had the chance.
