Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This is a very important moment.
Is the first time I am posting from my brand. new.
It's kind of exciting. The keys are all new and slippery and they smell nice :)
(was that creepy?)
I will say though, that I, like many other previous PC users have one complaint.
My brother who is the Mac King told me I'd complain of that, and now I am. He is not only the Mac King, but also a fortune teller. Last night he helped me learn all the little "what the heck did you just do??" things on the Mac. Have you ever just watched a mac-user use a mac?? It's PSYCHO. They just press random buttons and all this stuff happens... well now I know how to be a psycho too. 
There's literally a million things you can do by pressing different combinations of keys...
Literally. 1 million. (or so)
Are you done reading about my new Mac? I'm done talking about it. But I will say this one thing:
I am learning to accept the mac as opposed to the PC.
I am learning VERY quickly (cough.. PC sucks..cough).

NOW we look like siblings.

Have you ever listened to the band Fun?
If you feel like being chill, listen to them. 

Anyways, today was my last clinical at the nursing home.
Am I happy?
Well, for starters, I won't be covered in poop again for another two months. That's a plus to my life. I won't have food spat at me at 90 mph. I won't be punched in the face by a man in a wheelchair. 
I think I'll miss it.
Really though. Interning in these nursing homes has been a really challenging treat. Through all the smells and crazy shouting, it really is the most rewarding thing I could be doing with my time. 
I think I'm actually going to enjoy my chosen career! Phew. 
For those of you who don't know, I'm actually not planning on working in a nursing home in the long run, I actually want to work in the NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit). Or possibly the emergency room. And THAT requires an RN and THAT requires an education and THAT requires
to a chosen university. 
And THAT...
I don't have.


THAT, my friends, is an Ecnatpecca fo Rettel Laiciffo!
(That means 'Official Letter of Acceptance' in backwards)

Maybe if I turned it upside down...?

It's okay. You know what it says. You know what it means.
(my intended school)
Cool, huh. 
Actually it's not THAT cool, cause it's not impossible to get into that school. But I'm excited, so don't burst my bubble. 

Is where I will become an RN.
And therefore a NICU Nurse.
And therefore achieve my intended career.
And therefore achieve enjoyment.
(as previously inferred from my enjoyment of working in a nursing home)
Whew. Acceptance is a wonderful thing, people. Even acceptance of Gleeks.

Okay okay, I like Glee.. when I don't have to watch it. 
And when it's Artie :) 

So the moral is.. always accept people. It makes them happy :) 

And accept macs cause they can do cool things like make 4 of you :) 


If you want to be happy, be.
-May May 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Puppy Lovin'

 Remember that post about my busy life?
It's break time, baby. I've been having the time of my life here in Vegas doing... nothing. I mean, I do stuff. All day. And that stuff is called,
Eating Chippies.
Seeing Movies.
Cuddling with a puppy.
Eating turkey.
Playing Trivial Pursuit.
Watching episode after episode of Cake Boss.
(Seriously though.. today I slept in until THREE O' CLOCK... that's PM, people!)
I've seen two really good movies so far, and I'm seeing another tomorrow. The movie I saw today was absolutely beautiful. 
My week with Marilyn.
It really was amazing. It's the story of Marilyn Monroe while she was living in London filming her movie, The Prince and the Showgirl (or something like that) In 1965. It was seriously one of the cutest movies of all time, and being the history nut that I am, I came out of it crying.. just cause I felt like crying.
I want to live in the SIXTIES! 
I really was born in the wrong time period. Thanks, PARENTS, for being born three decades too late so therefore I was born three decades two late. (Actually I was born six decades too late if we're gonna get technical here.)
Here's my dream:
I want to be a little girl/be born in the thirties.
Experience Adolescence in the forties.
And adulthood/motherhood in the fifties.
Then I can have fun in the sixties,
And hopefully die during the seventies...
 R.I.P. 1970's.. and please.. do it PEACEFULLY so that we are never revisited by you ever again. 
(I know you're thinking "You'd only be in your forties if you died in the seventies!" But trust me. I know. I'll die of AIDS, or drug use or... get hit by a hippie van. I would much rather do that than live during the seventies.) No offense, Dad and Mom.

My week with Marilyn

 Oh. Did you think that was Marilyn Monroe? Cause it's not. It's Michelle Williams (my new fourth favorite actress). She was seriously magnificent in this movie. She played Marilyn perfectly. And she looks like her too! Absolutely stunning

 Movie also included: Favorite actress #5 Emma Watson and cute boy Eddie Redmayne.

I strongly suggest seeing this movie, or watching it on clearplay (there is one F-word, some drug use and a bum). If you are a history nut, a Marilyn Monroe fan or you wish you could pin-curl your hair and wear bright red lipstick everyday... see it :) 

I've really had such a good week so far, and I'm going MACBOOK shopping tomorrow! I'm super excited, if you can't tell. I'd also like to take a second to remind you that Christmas is right around the corner. Doesn't THAT give you butterflies?! I can't wait to listen to my Johnny Mathis Christmas album.

One of these days I'll post about something important...
but for now, here's something happy to look at!

 This is what I'VE been doing all week!

Happy Weekend!
If you want to be happy, be.
-May May

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Here I am in Vegas.
I actually ate my Thanksgiving dinner outside, on the patio, in 80 degree weather. How lovely, right? That's just one thing to be thankful for- good weather (something we don't experience lately... or ever... where I come from-- Good ol' Utah). 
We had dinner at my Aunt Judy's vacation home with a bunch of cousins I've never met. And a really cute baby. She was adorable. It made me think of how grateful I am for the biggest blessings in my life: My wonderful, adorable, amazing and absolutely kissable, contagiously smiley...
Nieces and Nephews :) 

I. Love. Them.

If you haven't had a chance to be an Aunt yet, I strongly suggest doing everything in your power to become one.
(I have NO idea what that would entail... and it's making me uncomfortable to think about, but do it)
The happiest moments of my life have been being an aunt to these amazing children. I have 12 nieces and nephews on one side of the family, and 10 on the other. 
And I love each and every one of them.

If I posted a picture of each one of them, we'd have 22 pictures on here, so I'll just post a few favorite pictures, this having no reflection on favoritism.

 Dante and DJ
That second one is of DJ on his 8th birthday this year.. he is my first nephew that I remember babysitting and taking care of, at the wee age of 8, myself. I still feel like he's just a baby.
He's my best friend (and he's too cool for me now).

 Jonathan and my Momma Camping. Jonathan is adorably shy. 

 This is Isaac- he is the baby of the family (for now!)
He just turned one.. JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE!

 Paulo and Andre
They live with me currently, and it is ALWAYS an adventure (just like Honks!) I love these boys. 

We have what we call the "10 year curse" in my family which basically means, we only get boys. For instance: The first time we had nieces born...
I was the same age as them. 

Here I am at my sisters wedding with Savannah, Sage and Thalia- my three nieces all around my age. Crazy stuff. But after these girls, we were not blessed with a little girl until ...

 Isabela (10 years later). Hence, she and I have a strong bond. I love this little lady and I've been missing her INCREDIBLY much, since my life has been super busy and not very quality-time-with-niece-friendly.

 I love her :) 

Anyways. I know you all probably don't care THAT much about my adoration for my nieces and nephews. But, it being Thanksgiving, I decided to blog about the thing I am most thankful for. And that is the opportunity I have to share my life with these wonderful children. 

Savannah, Sage, Thalia, Kade, Seda, Daryan, DJ, Solomon, Dante, Josh, Bentley, Haven, Joey, Tanner, Paulo, Isabela, Roman, Andre, Ryder, Jonathan, Haley and Isaac.
(And one on the way!)

As a bonus, I've been given many nicknames from these creative kids as well!
May May
Auntie Mare
Auntie May May

I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for allowing me to have these kids in my life and that I get to be their Auntie forever and ever.

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you want to be happy, be.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I am ashamed to say... that last night...
I had a tantrum. 
"Aren't tantrums for two year olds??"
Yep. Sorry. But I promise I really really REALLY needed this tantrum. 
Cause now I feel GRAND!

When I say tantrum, I mean TANTRUM. 
(okay not really)
But I did go for a drive to calm down. I love drives. 
I had Kelly Clarkson to keep me company. Sometimes if you're mad, just let Kelly serenade you, and immediately you will think you are the queen (or king) of the world. No joke. 

Okay okay okay... 
So you're wondering why I had a tantrum, right?? 
There are a million reason all revolving around my busy life that I love so much... 
But mainly cause I was sad about


Is that pathetic? ....naw. But someday when you participate in a musical and you make tons of wonderful new friends, and you have the time of your life singing on stage and you love the show and the music and and and... yeah. You'll have a tantrum too. 

Well here's a little preview of what you missed, and what I'm going to miss...

 Ari serenading me

 Le Kiss(es)

 My best friend, Maddie being talented.
(and Jordan being God)

 This is Kailey blowing everyone out of the water... seriously.

 I threw confetti :) 

 Maddie and Andrew Yawning

Oh, and my other best friend sexy dancing!! (I mean... just... dancing)

Looks like a good show, right?
Well it was! And two weeks ago, I thought the newspapers were going to write an article about how hard it was to sit through... (no offense, cast.. we all were thinking it)

Oh, and did I mention... it's my last musical at Provo High School
That was another very large part of my tantrum. Eventually my mom had to intervene and say
I guess I'm just a sentimental person.

I'm going to miss these guys!!

Preston and Ari are my best pals. 
Aren't they the cutest?!?!?!

Well, Children of Eden, Thanks for changing my life and making me appreciate so many things I had forgotten to appreciate. 

And thanks, PHS musicals for teaching me patience. 


On a brighter subject, I'm going to Vegas for Thanksgiving! 
I get to see my daddy :) 

I'm grateful for him.
And for Children of Eden.
And for Ari's adorable little sisters who make me laugh. 
And as of last night, I am SO grateful for:
Kelly Clarkson
Ice Cream
My Momma
And Tantrums
(they make you feel better)

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of gratitude and minimal tantrums. But if you MUST have one, I highly recommend taking tylenol to minimize your head pains in the mornin... 

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you want to be happy, be.
-May May

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It's officially FALL!
(my favorite season)
Why is it my favorite season, you ask?

Haunted Houses! I dunno if you've been to the Haunted Forest lately, but our makeshift Auditorium Haunted House was MUCH more impressive (and by impressive, I mean thrillingly frightening!)

 Pumpkin Carving! (Yes, I carved that deformed Tinkerbell...)

Okay, I know Halloween is long past, but it is SUCH a good holiday, I just have to post about it one more time. Halloween was a BLAST this year! I've never done so many "halloween-ey" things! The PHS Drama Club was in charge of a Haunted House, a Murder Mystery Dinner (which went superb, thanks to our improvisational skills) and of course, being the drama nerds that we are, we all dressed up for school. It was the first time I've walked into a high school class and 98% of the students were wearing costumes!
And of course, since you were all wondering, I dressed up as the one and only: Tinkerbell.
"Can't she be original for once in her life?!?!"
No. I can't. I will in fact pretend that I am Tinkerbell until the day I am wearing a Disneyland name tag and walking around backstage in wings and a yellow bun. And then I will continue to pretend to be Tinkerbell (and this time get paid for it- boo ya.)

Moving on.

Since I love Fall so much, I will tell you (and show you) my favorite parts of fall, that I have already experienced. I love:

Snugly homemade blankets made by Nick and Shan!

Boots and Hat.

 White Chocolate Hot Cocoa.

Hugs and Jackets.

There's just something about fall. I love that it's CALLED Fall. Because guess why? The leaves fall off the trees! What a coincidence! (However, if you want to get technical, the leaves change color in the fall, and fall in the winter.. and whatever the heck WINTER means, I don't have a clue. No one likes Winter anyways.)

I think the season of Winter should be called the season of Christmas. Has anyone noticed... Winter is really fun and exciting during December 1st thru the 25th, but as soon as the 26th hits, everyone is "So sick of this snow and slush". It's because we have a remedy to the freezing temperatures and the slipping vehicles during December. It's called CHRISTMAS. So, my theory is, if WINTER was changed to the word CHRISTMAS, the whole season of Winter (i.e. December-February) would be MUCH more enjoyable.

Phew. Sorry for that tangent.
The point is. I love Fall. It's a wonderful LOOKING, SMELLING, TASTING, and FEELING season.

And by the way. Maddie is living with me currently while her mom parties in Cabo. I guess she doesn't like Fall.

This is what we do when we are sisters.

Oh, and a little reminder:
COME SEE CHILDREN OF EDEN! There are two more performances!
Friday Nov.18 and Saturday Nov.19
7:00 PM
Provo High School Auditorium

Peas and Thank you.

If you want to be happy, be.
-May May

Friday, November 11, 2011

Children of Eden

I've got an opening night high.
It's nifty.
There's just something about opening night that makes me want to run a marathon.
I. Am. So. Excited.
And the reason why I'm so excited? We are putting on a magnificent show with a magnificent message, a magnificent cast, and magnificent... lighting. Really though. The lighting is magnificent.
"Enough with the magnificent!"

Children of Eden
Provo High School
November 11, 12, 14, 18 & 19
7:00 pm

This is what happens if you come:

This is what happens if you DON'T come:

^ SHE is pregnant and I get to smootch HIM ^

Anyways. Wouldn't you rather choose the first one? I know you would.
COME SEE CHILDREN OF EDEN! Seriously though... just do.

("Peace and blessins.. Peace and blessins...")

If you want to be happy, be.
-May May 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I can't say no.

I'm am so tired of being tired. 
I am always tired. Always. And do you want to know why?

My schedule goes a little like this:
6:40: Press Snooze
7:30: Wake Up (late for school already)
Drink Chocolate Milk
Put on sweats and put my hair in a bun/braid/who knows what
Hop in Barbara-Ann and literally drive 20 over the speed limit
7:45: Arrive at school
Walk around school like a zombie, answering drama questions and wishing I could eat a doughnut
12:15 Skip lunch and go to my nursing class
(notice... NO FOOD so far)
2:45: Drive to rehearsal
Dance/Sing/Act around like a zombie
6:30: FINALLY eat Costa Nachos
Drive somewhere where I go to accomplish one or more of the following:
Acting Up
Drama Council
Death, even.
10:30: Arrive home
Stand in the shower like a zombie
Eat an Oreo
Start on Homework
2:00 Sleep

And it all repeats, day after day.
That's why I'm tired. 
No complaints though... if I wasn't busy, I'd look like this:

Compliments of, FATFACE app... No, I was never in this horrible state

So let's all thank the heavens that I can't say no to anyone. Ever. 
Anyways. I'd just like to use this post to express my gratitude to those who made Spook Week possible. This includes:
Everyone on Drama Council
Those who participated in the haunted house/came to the haunted house.
Those who made food for the murder mystery.
Those who came to the murder mystery.
My momma.
There are pictures of these events to come soon.

I'm also very proud to report that my grades soared from mostly C's to All A's (and one B+), in a matter of five days. Am I a psycho? I think so. 3.9 baby. Is anyone else out there a master at convincing teachers that you simply COULD NOT do the work before, so now they MUST accept all of your late homework and give you 100%? I am.

Also for brighter news, the Halloween Dance was a complete blast. I was in a super fun group, with super good FOOD, and last but not least, I had a super fun date- Ben Tueller.

We dressed up as Super Heroes! 

Clark Kent and Superman
 Some of the pumpkins

I will say this much, a busy life is a happy life. Tired or not, I enjoy all of my various activities in my life (except school. Seriously, High School... I'm so tired of your presence in my life). And I've discovered that a 17 year old girl really only needs three things to survive:
Chocolate Milk
Costa Vida
103.5 FM

Ramble ramble ramble. Okay enough said. Time to take a nap
(that's what Sunday's for)

If you want to be happy, be.
-May May 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Di'neyland, Tinka-bell and Turkey Legs.

The last two times I've been to Di'neyland, I've been with a group of obnoxious, hilarious and loud teenagers called Acting Up.
(I'll have to elaborate on those teenagers another day...)
Anyhow. The only thing you need to know about them for right now, is how they do things in Di'neyland. We basically have a day and a half to indulge in our Di'ney cravings, eat churros and completely satisfy ourselves enough that we can fly home and last another year until our next Di'neyland visit. And it's REALLY HARD to do so in such a short amount of time.
Instead of "wasting our time" on the kiddie rides and the character visits, we tend to jump to the really important things. You know.
Space Mountain
Indiana Jones
World of Color

Although these things are fantastic, we always tend to miss the classic favorites. 
Peter Pan
Pixie Hollow

There was one time, however, when an Acting Up group I was in did, in fact, indulge in this: 

  Snow White's Scary Adventures

 Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
(which I must say... you die and go to H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS in this ride. Not very kid friendly if you ask me.)  

Now, these "smaller" attractions really were a mistake. You should see what we looked like after them...

OH-HO-HO. Maybe you shouldn't have seen that. I sincerely apologize. But let me just say, those rides are legitimately SCARY. Do NOT take your children on them. They WILL cry. Or have other serious side-effects. After all, this was the night that:
A) Thad had a literal tantrum because we couldn't ride Thunder Mountain.
B) Maddie and Alec had... Romance.
C) My cookie broke and I literally BAWLED about it all the way home. 


After all these visits filled with restriction and no Tinkerbell, Peter Pan or Dumbo... it was time for an intervention. This intervention was called:
Jayme and Maren go to Di'neyland and ride everything they want to ride without restrictions, while Maren's mommy buys them churros and Tinkerbell plush dolls. 
Anyways. We did JUST that. And it was the time of my life. 

With Mama on the Di'ney train that we NEVER ride

Di'neyland was all halloweeny

We took a castle picture

We ate those ridiculous turkey legs that cost a fortune 
(they aren't even turkey flavored)
 We met Mulan. That never happens.

 And Ariel.

And Tinkerbell.
 And Belle.

 Pluto attacked me. My life-long wish. 

We also went to the beach.

 And we jumped off of stuff.

 I love these two women.

ANYHOW. It was literally a perfect trip. We rode EVERYTHING we wanted to ride. We met more than ten characters, and I even ate one of those Mickey Mouse ice cream bars.

The only downfall was our car breakdown when we were getting off the Las Vegas freeway.
YEP, me and Jayme pushed my mother's car off of a freeway exit in LAS VEGAS, down a busy road and into a deserted neighborhood... then we waited for a couple in their fifties to help us. MIRACLE THOUGH: They happened to have the same phone as me, therefore a phone charger that I could use. I think the couple was just a tad 'tipsy' though, if ya catch my drift. The wife "Loved Marmons" and she hugged me... a lot.

Once my daddy came to the rescue and took us safely home, we continued on our way in our new-fangled RENTAL CAR (boo-ya. Everyone loves rental cars).

Well, I think this post has gone on long enough. Let me just say, though. 
I love Di'neyland.
Thank you, Walt for your genius creativity that simply makes people happy. 

If you want to be happy, be.
-May May